Healthy Everyday Lifestyle Program (HELP)
Benefits of Joining the HELP program
- Reduced risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Weight management through healthy eating and increased activity
- Increased muscle strength and endurance
- Increased social interaction
- Increased knowledge for healthy aging
Participants work toward achieving 3 main goals:
- Increase physical activity to a minimum of 150 minutes weekly and,
- Weight management.
- Increased knowledge on Health Promotion / Disease Prevention
Groups are available in person and virtually: 1.5 hours weekly for 24 weeks Daytime and evening groups available.
Examples of Nurse and Dietitian Lead Topics:
- Healthy Eating
- Move Those Muscles
- Healthy Lifestyle Problem Solving
- Cholesterol
- Pre diabetes
- Gut Health
- Bone Health / Falls Prevention
- 50+ Health Check
- Brain Health
For more information:
If you are interested in joining our program, contact your Primary Care Provider or call 705-787-0846 x 200. Or email Link: Email Algonquin Family Health Team Staff (click to email)